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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  August 9, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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people confess to a lot of things on facebook but police say this florida man confessed to killing his wife on the social website. it's bizarre and disturbing. plus, extreme weather hitting much of the kun triecou right now. there are destructive fires in california. deadly flooding across the midwest and the south. we'll give you live reports. you see nothing. you only serve. >> you not he got that job himself. the white house called him. >> i want to hear all the stories. >> i don't know how many stories you'll hear. >> that's the movie "the butler". later be the hour we have one of stars and the movie's director. this is "cnn newsroom." i'm suzanne malveaux. this miami man posts a picture of his wife's body.
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that's right on the kitchen floor. he confesses saying that i'm going to prison or death sentence for killing my wife. love you. miss you. take care. facebook people you will see me in the news. i want to bring in nick who has this story. it's just so disturbing where people are taking social media now. is there anything to control this? they took it down after five hours. >> some people are criticizing how long it was up there. it's a horrible story. police say it happened. before we move into much further into the story. thp this is a disturbing photo. if you're sensitive, now is not the time to look. this is the photo after he said he shot and killed his wife. he shot her in self-defense. there's a lot of criticism being
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directed towards facebook for the amount of time it took them to take this off their website. rereached out and they got back to us with a statement that read in part, the content was reported via our own processes. we took action on the profile removing the content and disabling the profile and they reached out to law enforcement. we take action and all content that violates our terms which are laid out on our site. not only facebook is receiving criticism but third party sites as well, buzz feed, atlantic wire, new york magazine. all which chose to show this image unblurred. we reached out to buzz feed. they have not gotten back to us. this story is not without criticism. cnn has elected to blur the image but it's graphic. >> as disturbing as it is, it's interesting that people passed this along. they kept posting this very disturbing image.
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who would do something like this? >> that speaks to the age. this saturated social media age. we all have facebook or twitter. we all seem to overly share our life experiences as we talked about earlier in this story. we're learning more about him as well. the emotional is a website that he says that he pu published e books on. he spoke about marriage counselling and effective communication. he said one of his success stories was that he was able to, his wife and he got a divorce and he remarried. he wanted people to learn the meaning of life through this. a lot of ironic twists to this story. >> kind of sick. >> it is. we're also following this. this is extreme weather that's threatening millions of americans here. you have the west coast, midwest, southeast all dealing with dangerous situations here. this is southern california.
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this is wildfire that's thriving now because conditions, it's bone dry. more than 500 buildings are in the path of that fire. the danger in the midwest and southeast. this is about water, way too much of it. you have flooding that's turned deadly. in arkansas people are nervously watching these swollen rivers rise even higher. we have reporters covering the threats from coast to coast. i want to go with george howell first in hollister, missouri. >> reporter: flash flooding changed everything in a matter of minutes. it's all because of this creek right here, the turkey creek by this mobile home community. people tell me that the water just 24 hours ago was as high as where i'm standing now. a lot of force came through this area. i want to show you the result of
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that force. you see that mobile home. neighbors tell me that home was on the other side of this property. it was picked up and pushed well over here. look at this. when you see the shingling that was ripped off the side of this home. look up there. there are a few things still in place. it's always interesting to see the power of what the storms can do. we see the bulldozers are back and people are going into their homes. there was one neighbor who went door to door to door knocking on doors to make sure everyone got out safely. many people here consider him a hero. again, in this particular community no one was hurt or injured. george howell, cnn, hollister, missou missouri. >> now to the raging wildfire. there's dozens of homes that have burned to the ground. hundreds more are threatened. dan is in riverside, california.
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try to give us a scope of how big this fire is. >> reporter: first of all, let me explain this is an area that normally gets a lot of wind. that's why you have a wind mill farm behind me. it's even windier than usual. you add fire to the mix. the fire right now is burning in the wilderness away from homes. firefighters taking this fire seriously. you have 1600 firefighters on the line trying to get this fire under control. at this point it's 25% contained. in terms of the damage we have 26 homes that have been destroy and as you pointed out you still have several hundred more homes that are threatened. you have a lot of people under an evacuation order. several communities under a mandatory evacuation order and firefighters trying to do what they can to get this fire under control. >> firefighters are hoping for better weather conditions. this is over the next couple of
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days. i want to bring chad meyers and talk about do they anticipate they'll get this. will they be able to control this kind of thing in. >> it's going to be a problem. you can see the wind blowing smoke over the top of some of these hills. this is the wind they had yesterday gusting to 30 miles per hour. when you get a wind gust that's high you can get the winds to pick up an ember and throw them miles down wind. when you think you have a fire line and all of a sudden two minutes later you don't. look at the wind gusts, 30, 28, 26 miles per hour. it's still gusty this afternoon. 78 degrees right now. you're a firefighter, you're at a fire, you're already getting embers at your feet and you look at a forecast and you're looking at 99, 98 for next week. this doesn't get better. >> we're also looking at floods. do they expect any relief? we've seen dramatic rescues of
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people with all this water. >> just for one minute can we spread it around a little? can we get a little less in the east. here is our rain now. this is the area that's been flooded a lot. southern missouri into parts of arkansas and parts of kansas as well. the weather has moved away. humidity right over that area and i expect to two to for more inches. when everything is already wet an there's no place for the water to go it just running off. even up here we're seeing flooding in new york. watch out for flooded roadways already today. rain is coming down in two to three inches per hour. >> it's tough going for a lot of people across the country. have a good weekend. here is what we're working on for this hour. a pennsylvania police chief
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coming under fire for posting violent profanity laced videos online. cnn talked to him. we'll give you his response. for the first time looks like president obama will talk about his decision to cancel a summit with russian president vladmir putin. we'll take a look at the growing divide between these two leaders. i don't know how much stories you'll hear because they done swore him to some kind of secret code. >> and that is from the movie "the butler." director lee daniels and actor forest whittaker joins us live. that's ahead.
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why wait? he's capable of anything. that's what authorities are saying about james dimaggio opinion he. he's accused of taking off with one of two children after killing their mother. there's evidence he has explosives. they're worried he could abandon his car, leave it rigged the blow up. five states, california, oregon, washington, nevada and idaho issued amber alerts for those missing children. more prosecution witnesses testify today in the
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court-martial of the ft. hood gunman. this is day three of the trial. about 30 prosecution witnesses have taken the stand in the past two days. many of them are survivors of the shooting. testimony is moving quickly in part because hasan is not cross examining the witnesses. he's acting as his own attorney. hasan is charged with killing 13 people and wounding 32 others in the 2009 shooting rampage. he declared i am the shooter. a new terror threat causes the u.s. to now pull most of its diplomats out of the consulate in pakistan. it's not clear if this is connected to the broader threat that prompted closing 19 embassies an consulates. they order all but a handful of personnel to leave. officials say it was in response to specific threats against the
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consulate. the state department is warning u.s. citizens not to travel to pakistan. pakistan interior ministry said it was not aware of any threat. pakistan remains a hot bed of terrorism. the city is now home to extremists who are sympathetic to al qaeda. president obama, of course, facing the cameras and questions from reporters. that's later today. it's going to be be his first news conference in more than three months said to again at 3:00 p.m. he's set to be asked about the rocky relationship with russia among other things. jessica yellen has learned the president will announce in his opening statements new measures that are designed to reassure folks about the surveillance programs. what to we know about that? >> reporter: we don't know a who the lot other than there will be new information that the president will have in his opening statement. he wants to make the case that
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the federal government national security agency is not invading people's personal privacy. not routinely invading someone's privacy. i think he will try to underscore there's a procedure in place including the foreign intelligence surveillance act, the legislative branch, congress approves all of this. the executive branch. i think he will try to assure the american public there isn't this invasion of privacy. a lot of polls think edward snowden was a whistle blower and doing a good deal by vealing all of this nsa surveillance. >> wolf, there's been a lot that's happened since the last press conference. you have trouble in yemen,
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pakistan and now this rift with president putin. what do we expect the president will be hit hard with? what kind of questions he will have to address in the next couple of hours? >> reporter: i'm sure he will be asked questions on all of those issues. it's usually an hour news conference. it's supposed to start at 3:00 p.m. he'll get into the surveillance programs and maybe some other issues as well. i'm guessing in the course after an hour there could be 8 or 10 reporters who are allowed to ask questions. the president gives long answers. he goes into detail. there's rarely an opportunity for a reporter to do a follow up question. sometimes other reporters can follow up if there's a gaping
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hole. we'll see. i suspect a lot of issues will be raised and the president will led off on his vacation to martha's vineyard and be gone for eight or ten days. >> i think multipart questions, try to get three all into one, if you can. tell me about the president made it a point to tell congress he was going to get stuff done with or without them. he talked about executive orders and picking up the phone, talking to ceos and university presidents. how important is it for this news conference to set is stage for the battles with the congressional republicans. all these things we'll see in the months ahead. congress is in recess right now. the members are back in their districts or traveling. a lot of them are doing town hall meetings. this will be an opportunity for the president to reach a wide audience. not only the cable networks but
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i suspect the broadcast networks will want to take the news conference live. the president will have a big audience. it's an opportunity for him to try to set the stage and september will be a really difficult month for the administration. congress has to pass a budget for the end of the month. they have to raise the nation's debt ceiling. there's a lot of stuff they have to do. the tensions as a result of security threats are enormous. >> we'll be watching. thank you very much. good to see you. ahead, he was suspended for shocking videos showing a cursing tirade as he fired automatic weapons. now a police chief in pennsylvania is tell ming cnn his side of the story. my asthma's under control.
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police chief in pennsylvania said he only wanted to get some attention. he did that. he got himself suspended of posting himself ranting about liberals and gun laws, swearing
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and spraying automatic gunfire high pressure he said it's his constitutional right. joe johns met up with him in eastern pennsylvania. >> videos of pennsylvania police chief went viral on the internet. he curses liberal politicians. he shoots, he rants. >> that piece of [ bleep ]. >> some in town are up in arms about it. >> should he be able to go back on duty and god forbid an unfortunate incident should occur and the burrough could be sued it would be a mayor liability issue. >> reporter: some say they felt intimidated. that didn't stop the council for voting to suspend him for using firearms on the video that he donated. >> it's my recommendation that a motion be made to discipline him for the use of city property
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without prior permission. >> reporter: why would the town's police chief and only officer made the angry sounding videos to begin with. he said it was to highlight his constitutional right to bear arms and freedom of speech. even some of his supporters say it's his way with words that's part of the problem. >> what kind of support do you think the chief has here? >> it's kind of a 50/50. people want to support him but due to the language he chose to use they want to step back away from it. >> reporter: 000 the question is what's the future for the chief when his suspension is over? >> joe johns joins us now. joe, the suspended police chief was on cnn this morning. how does he explain his behavior, first of all? >> well, he says he's expressing his first and second amendment rights. his right to bear arms. his right to free speech and he's frankly just unapologetic about the whole thing.
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it was a fascinating morning. >> i expressed my first amendment right and my second amendment right. i have no regrets. they have the rights to voice their opinion under the constitution and i applaud them for that. >> he has an unusual way of expressing himself and getting attention for sure. you look at this, he didn't break any laws. there is a law and a right to carry guns openly in the state of pennsylvania. he's just trying to make a point, i guess. >> you had a chance to spend some time with him. what was your gut telling you? did he seem intimidating? did he make a good argument he just wanted to bring his opinions to the forefront? >> i think he did. when you look at this police chief he's from pennsylvania. this is state that's very familiar with guns like many other states in the heart land.
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curse words are very familiar to people as well in the state of pennsylvania. he has a lot of supporters. he's also on the school board in the county there. when i went to the school board meeting the other day not a single person really said anything about him that was negative. he's got a lot of supporters. there's some detractors as well. this is a movie that touches on key chapters in american history. >> we have no tolerance for politics at the white house. >> i'm cecil gains. i'm the butler. >> we went onto serve eight presidents in the white house. in just a few minutes we'll talk to the star of the film, forest whittaker and director lee daniels, up next.
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butler for eight u.s. president is becoming a civil rights acon. he spent most of his life as a white house butler. his story was revealed back in 2008. forest whittaker as cecil gains is bringing that story to life in the butler. >> i'm the new butler. >> you hear nothing. you see nothing. you only serve. >> you know he got that job himself. the white house called him. he didn't call the white house. >> i want to hear all the stories. >> i don't know how many stories you'll hear because they swore him to some kind of secret code. >> i'm here with lee daniels. he did "precious" and "monster's
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ball." i'm also here with forest whittaker. good to see you in person. i had the fortune to see the movie at the national association of black journalists. we had a conversation afterwards about the film. i want to start off with you lee because when you watch this you cry, you laugh. there are very painful moments when you see the civil rights struggle and some of the violence here. you describe it as a love story, a universal story. can you explain why. >> for me i didn't start out trying to make an important civil rights movie. it was more about a father and a son love story. i had a 13-year-old son at the time when i got the script. as a 13-year-old boy i say white, you say black. i say day, you say night. i say go to bed, he say hell no. i was like when is this going to
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end. in "the butler" i doesn't. it wasn't until we were on the bus and shooting the scene on the bus with the freedom riders with the heat and everything that we realized when i yelled action and the kkk came out and the hatred and the shaking of the bus that i realized and i yelled cut and they kept coming. i yelled cut. i screamed at the window. they kept coming. i realized that there was nobody to say cut when those kids were there and they were heroes and this was a bigger movie than just a father and son love story. not just for the black kids but the white kids were there too. it was as oprah says her ah-ha moment. >> even some of the white actors had a hard time reenacting some of those struggles because it
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was so violent and passionate and emotional there. i want to play a clip here. this is when the butler first arrives at the white house. he serves eight presidents. let's watch. >> i heard you were coming. what's your name? >> see kicecil gains. i'm carter wilson. this brother is james hallowway. he's my second in command. >> jack robinson. >> shake the man's first before you start asking difficult questions. >> i want to know where man is coming from. >> looks like the jury is still out. >> you play someone who goes through this amazing transition. he feels loyalty to the presidents but feels betrayal as well. what is the character meant to convey? >> i think to convey or carry the experiences of what's going on in the country from behind. to look at the way they
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structured it from both sides. we see the vulnerability of these presidents when they are making decisions that are bad for the people. there's no justice by some of the decisions that are being made. my job was to try to carry those memories, those thoughts with me and be the eyes for the audience in way to bring them along in this great tale. >> what was it like to work with oprah winwinfrey? you try to divorce yors from from her but it's oprah. >> she was so amazing. she was so committed and deeply in the character when we were working i would be thrown by the authenticity of everything that's going on. she worked on like building that kind of bond. as lee was talking about the love relationship between the husband and the wife.
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even between takes she would be stroking my back and walking along talking and to keep that intimacy that was important to the core of the movie. >> i want to show another clip to our viewers. this is with nancy reagan and the butler. she extends this invitation to the state dinner to the butler. let's listen. >> i'd like to invite you to the state dinner next week. >> i will be there. >> not as a butler. i'm inviting you as a guest. >> the president prefers for me to serve a person. >> don't you worry about ronny, i'll take care of that. we'll see you next week, you and your wife. >> my wife? >> it's gloria, yes? >> yes, ma'am. >> lee, i got to say it's a little bizarre to see jane fonda
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playing nancy reagan. you had a-listers. what was that like to work with them? >> it was exciting. they came to honor the script. danny strong wrote an incredible script. i was just the puppeteer. i think that forest was the captain of the ship in that he started from a place of humility and oprah started from a place of humility and it trickled down to the other actors movie stars on the set. there was no ego. the only ego was the film. everybody was vulnerable and raw and open to the direction and willing to jump off the cliff with me. >> he's able to inspire people and push the envelope, push the scene to try to find this authenticity that's at the core of the truth. i think everyone was excited to try to dive in even when afraid. >> i want to show one more clip
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here because this really was an extraordinary moment. a lot of people applauded the character, the butler. this is the dinner scene. let's watch. >> it's a wild man's fantastic si of what he wants us to bp. >> what are you talking about? he just won the academy award. he's breaking down barriers for all of us. >> by being white. by acting white. sydney portier a nothing but a rich uncle tom. >> look at you. all puffed up with your hat on your head, covering your ear, saying whatever you want. you need to go. >> what? >> get the hell out of my house. get on out. >> everybody just sit down. >> i'm sorry mr. butler i didn't mean to make fun of your hero. >> everything you are and everything you have is because of that butler. >> very powerful scene. where are we in race relations today? a lot of people left that movie thinking so many things
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resonated with the zimmerman trial and the killing of mar more. t trayvon martin. the voting rights act that was pushed back. did it resonate the current state of race relations? >> when i did the movie we didn't write any man could kill any -- any white man could kill any black man and get away with it. trayvon martin hadn't happened yet. i hoped we come out of the bubble of the butler and find out this happened. it was very strange for me. how was it for you? >> i think there's a cycle that we should try to break as a country. even touching on why this young man decides to go it. he's looking at emmett till and
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what happened with him. we're trying to figure out how do we break this sickle and the dialogue and that's happening. we have to always be mindful and watching and make sure that we're like finding human justice where ever we can. tha that's part of the subject matter. >> all right. >> when we did the johnson scene, i had no idea that we were doing this scene where johnson actually was responsible for this voting rights act and then we come out and then the supreme court, it was out of body. >> it does have relevance today. i want to thank you both. i wish we had more time. as daughter of two who group up
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in the segregated south, thank you. usher seen around the world on his tours an host of the voice but his ex-wife says his kids never see him. she is taking him to court back for custody. that's up next. vo: getting your car serviced at meineke, smart.
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usher is expected to be here in an atlanta courtroom. this is next hour. this is a custody battle over his kids. watch. ♪ she had me feeling like she's ready to blow ♪ >> the singer's ex-wife is asking the judge to give custody of her boys after their 5-year-old got stuck in the pool and almost died.
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she filed an emergency motion saying the boy almost drowned because he have not properly super super sup sup supervised. he's doing much better. this is not the first time she's tried to get custody. how is she approaching it this time? >> reporter: this has been part of an ongoing custody battle between usher and his ex-wife. this has been going on for years. she said usher is gone 85% of the time and leaves the children in the care of third party care givers be it nannies or other relatives. here is what her attorney had to say about the matter. take a listen. >> mrs. raymond's only focus is on the health and safety of the children that they would be in the custody of a parent or the other parent b, not in a third party setting for days a t a time. that's the main concern that
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they are being left with third party for extended periods of time. >> reporter: this motion is a continuation of a previous filing that tameka made in may. when the 5-year-old nearly drowned in usher's pool this week she says it prompted them to file this emergency motion to get the ball rolling. >> what is usher's response been so far? >> reporter: usher's attorneys have filed a response to the motion. he's deaninying all the claims asking the judge to dismiss the motion and asking tameka to cover the court costs associated with what's going on here today. >> thanks. we have some news we want to get into right away. this is miguel. it's regarding the amber alert regarding james dimaggio
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believed to have abduct eed tho two children. what have we learned? >> reporter: it's been tengsdsed to idaho. a car that fits the description of that blue nissan versa has been found in a very, very remote area near the town of cascade, idaho. it's in a wilderness area by the name of the river no return wilderness area. officials say it's an extremely rough and remote area. they have to access this area by helicopters and horse back to make sure it's the car. they can want tell me about the shape about the car or whether or not the license plate is the correct license plate. all things point to this is the strongest lead they've had so far. it would make sense as mr.
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dimaggio's car was sighted in northern california, southern oregon and up into washington state. it's possible that he could have moved east ward toward idaho into this area. it's very, very far out there according to authorities that i'm talking to. >> real quickly, there's been much made about the possibility that he could have explosives. how are they treating this vehicle? i imagine they are not going to get too close or there's going to be a lot of unease when they approach this vehicle. do we have a sense of how they are doing this? >> reporter: they'll have to approach it with extreme caution and concern obvious loi. the explosives they have talked about previously was information gleaned from the searches they did inside mr. dimaggio's house in the days after the announce of the death there. they continue to collect information. they believe he put together explosives and that he may be rigging the car to explode in
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the event that anyone opens the door or to perhaps take himself out in a blaze of glory or some sort. it's not entirely clear. what we do know is that all arrows at this point seem to be pointing to the very small town of cascade, idaho. >> we'll be watching that closely throughout the afternoon. thank you for breaking that news for us. also ahead, a judge has given the defense team for whitey bulger a talking to for talking too much. that story up next. first, taking crash and turning it into schools and homes. that's the weekend's next list. watch. >> this week on the next list, two innovators turning to the past to create a brighter future. an unlikely building material transforming communities around the globe. >> they are really strong.
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and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. we're keeping a close eye on the federal courthouse in boston. that is where a jury is deliberating now the fate of reputed mob boss james "whitey" bulger. they've been at it now for 3 1/2 days. bulger is accused of killing 19 people during a two-decade reign of terror. deborah feyerick has been following this trial since the very beginning, more than a month ago. are we reading anything into the fact that this jury has not yet reached a verdict? >> reporter: not, not really. because actually it's been a two-month long trial. there were 70 witnesses that were called over that time period. 800 pieces of evidence. the jury has to go through 32 koi counts, including another additional 33. 33 acts that basically say, yes,
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the government showed there was enough evidence to show that bulger was either a conspirator, aider and abettor or principal in the murders of the 19 people. you look at some of the families inside that court, families of the victims, all the names of children and brothers and sisters who are here representing those people that were killed. and because everyone's sort of sitting around, there's a lot of bonding that is going on. one man who i spoke to actually -- his father was gunned down, allegedly, by whitey bulger and his gang just four days after he was born. this is a man who grew up without a father as did many of the children who have come here to represent their parents. suzanne? >> deborah, appreciate it. we'll be watching. we're all on verdict watch. thank you. ahead on the newsroom, as college students head back to the classrooms, they actually can breathe a sigh of relief now about their loans for this year, at least. we'll explain. [ all ] who's new in the fridge! i help support bones... [ ding! ] ...the immune system... [ ding! ] ...heart health... [ ding! ] ...and muscles. [ ding! ] that can only be ensure complete!
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college students around the country are about to get a big break. next hour president obama is is going to be planning to sign a bill that will bring down the rates on student loans. maribel avery is joining us from new york to talk about when the law would kick in. what do we know about the rates as well? >> once obama signs it the law kicks in immediately. just in time for the coming school year. the law is retroactive back to july 1st. that's good news. that's when some rates doubled
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overnight jumping to 6.8% because congress couldn't get a deal done in time. if you got a new loan in the past month at that higher rate, you're due for a reduction possibly down to 3.86%. that's the new interest rate for subsidized student loans for undergrads. more than 7 million people will benefit. graduate loans will be a bit higher. 5.14%. but could save families thousands. students graduate with an average of $27,000 in loans. >> what do we think after this year? obviously a political hot potato. >> we think rates will likely go up. here's why. there's going to be pegging that to financial markets. the 10-year treasury bond to be specific. when interest rates on bonds are low, like they are now, rates on loans will also be low. suzanne? >> thank you very much. appreciate it. everybody's going to be watching what happens with those student loans. going to take a quick break. we'll be right back.
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inside the only 3 chamber laundry detergent. ♪ now, here you go, let it go ♪ ooh ♪ 'cause it's a bright light stain fighting, cleaning, and brightening... in tide pods. pop in. stand out. the white house has released the names of this year's presidential medal of freedom recipients. there are 16 people including a former president, social activist, sports figures, musicians all going to be presented with the highest civilian honor in a ceremony that happens later this year. bill clinton is one of them. the medal of freedom dates back to the kennedy administration. also on the list, congratulations. oprah winfrey. the jazz legend who defected to the united states from cuba. as well as former "washington post" executive editor ben bradley who oversaw the paper's coverage of watergate.
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see the whole list of recipients on that's it for me. have a great weekend. brooke baldwin takes it from here. this is cnn breaking news. >> good to see all of you on this friday. i'm brooke baldwin. we begin with breaking news here just into us as we've learned of three people now missing because of a plane crash into a home in east haven, connecticut. take a look at these pictures. here's what we know. two children are missing. a 1-year-old and a 13-year-old, after a small plane crashed into this home in east haven. we are just now getting some of these details for you here. so far, officials are telling cnn that these two children and the pilot of this turbo prop plane are missing after this plane crashed into at least one home. you can see the damage here and multiple fire units responding to this right now. other homes, we're being told,